Why You Should Retire in North Carolina?

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For a large portion of our lives, most of us have a day (or night) job that pays the bills and allows us to save up for the future. Of course, everyone envisions a different future for themselves and for their families, but almost everyone sees retirement somewhere in their plans. It’s that time in our lives when we finally get to focus on what makes us happy.

The kids are grown and have moved out, there’s no boss assigning work schedules anymore, and your life is finally your own. This newfound freedom to relax raises at least one impending question: Where do you want to spend these blissful retirement years? There are 50 states in the USA. How on earth does one choose? Well, we can’t choose for you. But, we can say you should consider retiring in North Carolina and it should be one of your top choices. Here’s why you should retire in North Carolina.

Weather in North Carolina

Western North Carolina offers mild weather in all four seasons, even on the worst of days. The summers boast warm weather, but not so hot as it can be further south. Likewise, the winters are quite mild when compared to the blizzards you might see just a few states to the north. In addition to our mild temperatures, you get to see all the amazing flowers in spring and the wonderful fall colors when the leaves change and enjoy beautiful, sunny weather in between.

Active Lifestyle

Such lovely weather throughout the year offers a multitude of opportunities to stay active. The amenities alone provide a daily dose of fun that will help keep you healthy. Fishing is very popular in the various lakes and rivers throughout the region. Boating is another common recreational adventure on the lakes during the spring, summer, and early fall seasons. You can also indulge in hiking treks with some of the most beautiful views and golfing excursions on courses with challenging natural terrain.

Tax Benefits of Retiring in North Carolina

Last, but certainly not least, North Carolina offers the major financial retirement benefit of no tax on Social Security income. This means that in addition to the low cost of living, residents enjoy the benefit of a higher net income from Social Security. We work for a large portion of our lives to plan financial stability in our retirement years. North Carolina supports those efforts. This is one state that has realized that if retirees are allowed to keep more of their retirement income, the state benefits. It does so by attracting more residents to their beautiful mountain towns, like Franklin. Ultimately, this means you have more to spend on yourself and your family while living amid some of the most beautiful landscapes in the region. We like the sound of that!







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